Epilepsy café

Epilepsy café 

We will hear invite you to our conversation café


Epilepsy café has a network café on 1 Monday of each month from 3 - 5 pm in our culture house in Humlebæk  Please send an SMS at 10 o´clock whether you are coming or not. Welcome to our café. ☕️

About us

Epilepsy events and various lectures.


Epilepsy Café

has taken part in an interview for Radio Humleborg and Lytteposten. Lytteposten is a monthly audio journal for the blind and partially sighted in Hørsholm and Fredensborg Municipality.
Listen more here:


Epilepsy café helps those affected so we can meet and talk about epilepsy.

This above symbolize an epilepsy seizure


The sunflower program helps many to show various invisible diseases. 

Read more About us

We would like to pass on our experience with epilepsy to tell others, so that more people can learn about it.

VNS stimulator

A VNS stimulator can be a really good help for people affected by epilepsy who also take medication.

Contact us 

Epilepsy café 

Epilepsy in Northsealland


Humlebæk Center 44

3050 Humlebæk


Mobil : 23 20 44 86

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